Triumphs of the Heart (Sphere)
When COLLIN returns home to discover that his mother, GERALDINE, is giving away all of their sentimental possessions and family memorabilia as part of a spiritual cleansing “step process,” COLLIN is faced with convincing his mother that she’s joined a cult.
Run Time: 10 minutes Casting: 1 50's female, 1 mid 20's male
Run Time: 10 minutes Casting: 1 50's female, 1 mid 20's male
Production History
Salem Theatre Company's Moments of a Play Festival July 9 - 13 2014, Salem, MA.
Premiere Production at Nylon Fusion Theatre Company's "This Rounds' on Us! Independence 2013." Directed by Janet Bentley with Kimberlee Monroe and Jevon McFerrin. |
Hint of Dialogue
GERALDINE Collin, honey, you’re missing the point. It will change my life, all I have to do is unburden myself of all the sentimental objects in my life that are weighing down on my heart sphere and I’ll be able to finally start fresh! COLLIN Did you just say “heart sphere?” GERALDINE Oh yes. You know, it’s the light around your heart, the positive beams that we’ve constantly oppressed with all of this emotional, materialistic, (she lifts some object) Baggage. COLLIN So much worse than she said Return to Plays